A Circle of Loveliness
Mar, 07 2011 | circle of loveliness | admin | One comment
Each week a group of women gather for the Creative Writing Workshop. With pens, journals, a candle, tea and a few prompts to get them started… they write. They follow the river of words sometimes to memories, sometimes to dreams, sometimes to stories, poems, songs… never knowing where it will take them. They write honestly and bravely, with hearts open and one thing is always for certain when writing from an honest place… there is a feeling that we are in fact in the presence of loveliness.
Included in this section are some writings from the workshop to capture and share the many talents and heart-felt pieces that have been created over the years…
Karen Franzen
As a new member of the writing group I must say the whole process (writing, listening ,and sharing stories) has been incredibly inspiring. For example who on earth knew that the simple prompt” “teeth” could generate oh so many passionate tales?.
Many thanks Nathalie.. for your magic in extracting the good stuff …here’s to more great writing ahead!
I am looking forward to submitting a story of my own in the near future.
Perhaps Mother Goose said it best ……
“Three apples fell from heaven.
One for the storyteller.
One for the listener.
And one for the one who heard”