Emma May Met Her Match One Day
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In the third story of the Emma May series Emma takes a wrong turn and through a disheartening situation she finds a ray of light. She discovers Thomas is up in a tree with binoculars to see the festivities that are about to begin. With a few teeth missing from his welcoming grin and his glasses not quite straight on his face he welcomes Emma with humour and warmth and together they embark on a gigANTic adventure:
Side by side up they climbed Tom was looking to find
A low branch for two with the very best view
When the perfect spot was found Thomas pointed straight down
And they were speechless for a moment if not two
There were ants for MILES, in clusters and piles
With banners, kazoos and tambourines
And as the Mayor stepped to the podium, there was absolute pandemonium
While the backup dancers finished their routine
The ants are celebrating after months of hard work and the Mayor is there to sing their praises and to show that accidents or wrong turns can lead us to brilliance, unimagined discoveries and, in Emma’s case, friendship.