Be Patient…

I came across this quote from Ranier Maria Rilke years ago and it remains one of my favorites to this day:

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart
Try to love the questions themselves
Do not seek answers that cannot be given
Because you would not be able to live them
And the point is…

The Yellow House on the Hill

by Nathalie Vachon

The yellow house on the hill
had a wrap-around porch
had a screen door with a spring on it that snapped back
pushing you into the house before you knew what hit you

There were art projects on the walls
Rae Ellen’s tunnel; a lump of clay painted black
the dark space of the inside of the tunnel
there were toys scattered on old Moroccan carpets
a chalkboard beneath the stairs
Van Morrison on the CD player
windows open
breezes always flowing

There were piles of dishes in the sink left over from last night
but not to worry, there were better things to do



BST Spring 2011 collage small

The Beach Studio Tour

The Spring Beach Studio Tour has come and gone… many thanks to those who came by!   As I know I have said before I love this show for the opportunity to connect with community, neighbours and the people who travel from all over the city (and beyond) to appreciate, inquire and support the arts.

If you missed this one, not to worry… this charming tour of the Beach will come around in the Fall (NEW DATES – two weekends after Thanksgiving – October 21st, 22nd & 23rd). You will find beautiful jewelery, ceramics, photography, paintings, textile work… just follow the map, wander through the beach neighbourhood, check out gardens and come on into the homes/studios of the artists to see how they work and what they love to create.

For more information go to

Beach Studio Tour Article

Here is a photo collage from this Spring’s Tour!



Paintings at the Savoury Grounds

We have the best little coffee shop in our neighbourhood and they have asked me to adorn their walls with paintings… so if you are in the hood, be sure to stop by  Savoury Grounds, located at 959 Kingston Road (Kingston and Scarborough Rd)