Mischief and the Moon
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In the story Mischief and The Moon (Tsuki to Etazura), Nathalie draws on her experiences living in Japan to create a timeless, mystical folk tale which follows Chowa-san, the Goddess of Harmony, as she helps restore balance in the lives of the Japanese people…
That afternoon Chowa-san returned to her mountain and created an especially large fire. And in that fire she threw a magic ball, which burned and burned and burned until there was nothing left but a big ball of glowing embers. That evening as the sun sank into the Sea of Japan and the night sky echoed with darkness she said the words:
“Hikari akari miyo no sekai. We’re in need of your light to shine in the sky.” And with those words she launched that ball and it went up and up and up until it was suspended there by the darkness.I just wanted you to know what a big hit your cd is with Laila (6 years old) – she listens to it all the time.
She loves the Emma May stories and really, really loves the story of the Shadow Gods.– Roula Said, mom, Da Vinci School
-bookmark by Jamie Lynch